The hooves in this photo belong to a 3 year old mare that was sent away for training. She was receiving good levels of salt, magnesium, minerals and hay prior to leaving but did not receive the supplements or the much needed adlib hay once at the trainer’s property. The owner did not want to trouble the trainer with feeding supplements.
She was put into the "fatty paddock” of short eaten down grass which due to the weather conditions at the time - warm and dry then rain - it had green shoots coming up all over. She was yarded with hay during the day and then went into the paddock at night.
As her hooves show, this is not an effective way to ensure a healthy horse. The horse also reportedly "had an attitude”. This is hardly surprising given that she would have had very sore feet!
This is a very common method used in New Zealand to control the amount of grass horses are eating but unfortunately it so often is an ineffective and a very unhealthy YOYO diet.
After being in the yard during the day the horse will gorge itself overnight on grass, consuming large amounts of unsuitable pasture. This sudden influx of minerally imbalanced, low fibre pasture shocks the horse’s digestion resulting in subclinical laminitis and if this is repeated over time, full blown laminitis and behavioural problems will be the result.
A horse owner may escape this scenario for some time but this is a knife edge situation….
A much better plan is to supply your horse with good quality minerals, vitamins and essential fibre every day. Restricting grass to ensure hay is consumed throughout the day, every day will ensure your horse will not suffer with laminitis or other grass related behavioural problems.
This photo is of a brood mare that was fed a popular premix mare nut and was on general pasture. She had been trimmed once already before this photo. She arrived 6 weeks prior to foaling. Although in great body condition she had very sore feet and extensive mud fever. Hoof quality in all four feet was very poor. Once switched over to Duwell Magnesium Liquid and Duwell Vitamins and Minerals she became sound even before foaling.
Her mud fever resolved within 6 weeks without the use of creams. Within 3 trims the cracks had completely resolved.