Duwell Feeding Plan
SIMPLE, ECONOMICAL AND EFFECTIVE TO ENSURE EXCELLENT HEALTH AND BEHAVIOURDuwell is passionate about simplifying equine nutrition through the use of plain feeds and the targeted use of our high-quality supplements to achieve exceptional equine health and performance.
We want to provide easy to understand educational information that helps horse owners understand the "what, why and when” of feeding their equine companions and to question the information they see - including ours! So never be afraid to ask!
As we know there are few hard and fast rules with horses. What works for one horse may not work for another. Variations in fertilizer history, rain, sun, frost and so on can all impact horse behaviour and health.
Why Listen To Us?
Our recommendations come from a combination of our extensive research combined with years of experience and very importantly from our observation of what is happening in the real world in New Zealand. Our conditions are unique and require a unique approach.
Our Philosophy
Our guiding philosophy is to feed plain feeds in natural wholesome forms with abundant fibre, abundant minerals and vitamins, to suit the needs of each individual horse and is our key point of difference. This philosophy ensures feeding is harmonious with what nature intended horses to eat as much as possible.
Healthy, happy, safe horses free from injury and illness and no vet bills!
The benefits of plain feeds and DUWELL products:
- Have complete control over the types and amounts of feed your horse is receiving. A large number of horse owners feeding premixed feeds end up underfeeding essential nutrients due to concerns of large amounts of premixed feed recommended on feed bag, that their horse does not require for it's continued healthy weight maintenance or the impact on their wallet.
- Minerals can be added to your horse’s diet in an accurate way to suit each individual horse along with correct amounts of conditioning or fibre feeds as required . A targeted and comprehensive feeding regime that can be taliroed to suit each horse.
- This is the cheapest fibre and one of the main forages that horse’s need for good health.
- Ensure hay is not even slightly musty as this can lead to COPD.
- Do not buy hay containing Kikuyu or large amounts of ryegrass or clover.
- Save money by keeping hard-feed size to a minimum and feeding more hay. This will improve hoof quality, as biotin is produced by the horse as a by-product of digesting fibre!
NOT Recommended -
Clover, rye grass, lucerne, molasses (or keep amounts very small), garlic (poisonous plant for horses). Kikuyu can be problematic also.
Plain feeds to use alongside DUWELL products
Betabeet or Speedibeet
Two very similar products. Ensure to purchase these non-molassed versions. A good source of safe soluble and insoluble fibre for all horses including those with Equine Metabolic Syndrome or prone to laminitis. Also supplies good levels of calcium.
Useful for mixing in powdered supplements. Additional conditioning feeds may need to be added for underweight horses.
Soluble fibre converts into energy in the hindgut and so beet can be an excellent energy feed. Hay is the cheapest form of essential daily fibre if budget is a consideration.
Amounts - Follow soaking instructions on bag and experiment with amounts best suited to your horse.
Some chaff products are best avoided -
Lucerne, alfalfa chaff or fermented plastic-wrapped versions of these products – Not recommended - due to high protein levels, photodynamic pigment content causing photosensitivity issues such as mud fever and head flicking. Lucerne contains no sodium creating an electrolyte imbalance with potassium in the horse.
No educational information is made available by some companies selling wrapped lucerne products in regard to the critical need for salt and magnesium to be added to the horse’s diet to counter high potassium levels. Some wrapped products have an ulcer healing ingredient BUT! 8.7 kgs needs to be feed to get the amount of medication needed to heal ulcers….No horse should consume this amount of lucerne per day due to high calcium (and potassium/protein) levels! If you suspect your horse has ulcers there are much safer and more effective products available for treatment. Seek advice from your vet.
Meadow hay chaff – Ask what types of grass they contain – Often these are cropped annual ryegrass grown solely for chaff. Some customers have report dramatic changes in behavior when this type of chaff is introduced in their horse's diet when no other changes have been made. If in doubt don’t use it. Rye grass is never suitable for horses and can cause the same photosensitivity and behavioural problems as lucerne. These ryegrass products will look nice but can be harmful to your horse. Horse owners should insist these products are labelled correctly with grass types.
Oaten Chaff – a good option with very little to no downside. Ensure there are very few oats for laminitic or EMS horses.
Timothy chaff is an excellent option if available. Timothy is a horse-friendly grass that grows well in the South Island but can be sourced more often now in the North Island as well.
Oats or barley (optional) - 200g just as a taster if needed when feeding chaff and beet. Not recommended for horses with EMS or laminitis.
A small amount will not heat your horses. Grass and lucerne have a much greater impact on behaviour than a small amount of oats.
Additional feeds that can be given if more condition or energy is needed...Sources of protein
As with chaff products some protein forms are best avoided
Copra - Low in essential amino acids. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides which are not normally found in a horse's diet. Should not be used in lactating or pregnant mares due to potential mycotoxin contamination transferring to milk.
Soya bean meal – High in the female hormone estrogen and usually GMO. This ingredient is used extensively in premixed feeds due to its low cost and high essential amino acid content. Use with caution or do not use at all if you have horses with behavioural or health issues even if they seem unrelated.
Recommended protein sources -
The following forms of protein have great health benefits for your horses BUT….excessive protein can cause aggressive behaviour and may give your horse more energy than he needs. It is important to consider how much protein the horse is getting in its overall diet including pasture. We can help you assess this.
Freshly crushed Linseed/Flaxseed – Flaxseed can be a valuable tool in your horse’s nutrition program as a source of calories and fibre, and it is an excellent source of fat, particularly omega-3’s. Flaxseed contians the highest levels of plant based omega 3 at around 55%. Flaxseed can be very useful for improving skin and hoof health.
It is best to buy in whole form and grind daily as the crushed form becomes rancid within a few days due to high fat content. A smoothie maker or food processor can be used to grind the seed.
Flaxseed no longer requires boiling to remove harmful toxic substances as this has been bred out. Boiling will also destroy valuable omega 3 essential fatty acids.
Feed ½ to 1 cup once or twice daily depending on condition required
Lupins – A good source of non-GMO protein well accepted by horses. 100g to several kgs depending on condition and workload.
Whey protein formula – High-quality protein - Great for adding condition. Very palatable and digestible.
Rice Bran Pellets - great for weight gain - Cool energy
Not recommended for IR or laminitic horses due to starch levels
We choose these feeds as they contain little added minerals, are higher in fat, while being moderate in protein. They are effective for conditioning but are recommended for short-term use only as high fat diets have been found to interfere with proper equine metabolic function.
If your horse has difficulty gaining weight despite ample amounts of hard feed being consumed, further investigation is required. Very often minerals such as phosphorus, copper, zinc and sulphur are undersupplied in the diet rending the horse unable to utilize feed. Gastric ulcers may also be an issue. Seek advice from your vet or give us a call.
Follow manufacturer’s recommendation for amounts
Extruded Rice
For maintaining or keeping condition for older or horses in work. Easily digested and less heating than barley. Fat content - 6%. Lowish protein at 8%. Contains no added minerals so DUWELL minerals can be added safely without risk of mineral double ups.
Follow manufacturer’s recommendation for amounts.
Extra tips for a successful changeover to your horse’s new healthy regime -
- If your horse does not like new feed – grate (not slice) a carrot through feed and mix well. This will stop him sifting out the carrot.
- A very small amount of molasses can be added for a few weeks until the horses is used to his new diet.
- Continue to use some of your horse's current feeds, gradually weaning him off the old and on to the new regime over a couple of weeks.
- Introduce new supplements gradually over a few weeks if your horse is a fussy eater.
- Tie feed bins securely to solid fence to stop feed being tipped out. Often horses will get used to new feeds more quickly when they cannot tip them out.
We are always happy to help you work through what to feed your horse. Please contact us for further tailored solutions for your horse.
DUWELL products
Our products are low dose rate (more bang for your buck), high quality and free from contamination of heavy metals and other toxic nasties.
Owners can choose from our three Magnesium supplement options. Each of these options are formulated with a slightly different job in mind but two can be fed in combination for specific health or behavioural issues:
DUWELL Magnesium Liquid - specifically formulated for horses on grass. Ideal for solving grass-related issues. Contains chelated magnesium and magnesium chloride.
DUWELL Compete n Grow - Organic Calcium and Magnesium powder- for horses lacking in muscle or condition, in harder work, dressage eventing or racing. A highly bioavailable supply of essential nutrients for building muscle, topline to maximize stamina and quick recovery. Also essential for horses on kikuyu, lactating mares, growing young horses or those needing a calcium boost.
DUWELL Vit B & E powder with organic magnesium and calcium, horses on hay diets or those stabled or in competition or racing.M.o<
Vitamins and Minerals
DUWELL Organic Mineral Vitamin powder - a comprehensive formulation that supplies essential minerals in highly absorbable chelated forms in balance with necessary vitamins. Our dose rate is far smaller than many other brands at 25g. This means less powder in your horses feed for greater acceptability and our product provides excellent value for money.
Gut Health
DUWELL Happy Tumm - Ensures gut health by boosting microflora, supplies essential enzymes, prebiotics, chelated copper and zinc for healthy hooves and shiny coats.
DUWELL BSTB - A highly effective multi-action product ensures you are getting the best possible results.
Also essential –
Salt - Plain uniodized -Feed 10g per 100kg minimum. Essential for good health and should be added daily to hard feed.
Do Not rely on salt licks for adequate intake for these reasons:
- Not all horses like salt and need to be trained to eat it happily.
- Unless a salt block is weighed daily, intake is unknown.
- Horses may get sore tongues from licking salt blocks and may give up before enough is consumed.
Electrolytes - Not recommended as they often contain high levels potassium which can already be over-supplied by pasture or high protein feeds. Oversupply can often lead to stiff stilted movement, spooky nervous behaviour, poor fitness and reduced athletic ability. Potassium should only be given if blood levels are known to be low. Ensuring adequate sodium and magnesium are supplied should be the priority.
Products for individual nutritional
or physical issues
MSM - A high quality organic form of sulphur, vital for the creation and regeneration of body tissues including cartilage, ligaments, tendons, skin, hooves and hair. Sulphur is a naturally occurring mineral found in the muscles, skin and bones but can be deficient in diet. It supports healthy connective tissues, joint function, enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with a healthy immune system. MSM provides the nutritional support for joint maintenance, comfort, healing and repair.
Daily dose - 10g for maintenance. Up to 20g for recovery from injury or to boost sulphur levels.